The epicardial coronary artery system consists of the left and
right coronary arteries, which normally arise from ostia located
in the left and right sinuses of Valsalva, respectively (see
104f, 104h). In about 50%
of humans a "third coronary artery" ("conus artery") arises
from a separate ostium in the right sinus.
The left main (LM) coronary artery ranges in length from 1 to
25 mm before bifurcating into the left anterior descending (LAD)
and left circumflex (LC) branches. The LAD coronary artery measures
from 10 to 13 cm in length, whereas the usual nondominant LC
artery measures about 6 to 8 cm in length.
dominant right coronary artery (RCA) is about 12 to 14 cm in
length, before giving rise to the posterior descending artery(PDA)
subepicardial coronary arteries run on the surface of the heart
embedded in various amounts of subepicardial fat. Portions of
the epicardial coronary arteries may dip into the myocardium
("mural artery " or "tunneled artery") and be covered for a
variable length (1 to several mm) by ventricular muscle ("myocardial
B.F., MD, Schlant, R.C., MD, Anatomy of the Heart, Hurst's The
Heart, 8th edition, p 84-86. (modified)
Arteriovenous fistulae(abnormal communications) may involve
the coronary arteries,the pulmonary artery or right ventricle(see
images below fig1a and b:LCA to RV fistula and fig2.Coronary
fistula LM-PT), as well the inferior vena cava,pulmonary veins
or other vascular strictures(mediastinal vessels,coronary sinus,cavf-fig3
to right atrium).
This infrequent abnormality can affect persons of any age and
is the most important hemodynamically significant coronary artery
anomaly.Many are small and found incidentally during coronary
arteriography,whereas others are identified as the cause of
a continuous murmur,myocardial ischemia and angina,acute myocardial
infarction,sudden death,coronary steal,congestive heart failure,stroke,arrhythmias,coronary
aneurysm formation(rupture,emboli),or superior vena cava syndrome.
Fistulae from the right coronary artery are more common than
from the left, and over 90% of the fistulas drain into the venous
circulation.Most fistulas are single communications,but multiple
fistulas have been identified.
The natural history of coronary fistulas is variable,with periods
of stability in some and sudden onset or gradual progression
of symptoms in others.Spontaneous closure is uncommon.
Surgical repair of the fistula is recommended for symptomatic
patients at risk for future complications(coronary steals, aneurysms,large
shunts).Transcatheter embolization of the fistulas have been
Direct connection between a major epicardial coronary artery
and a cardiac chamber or major vessel(vena cava,coronary sinus,pulmonary
artery(see attachments)
is the most common hemodynamically significant coronary artery
anomaly.Myocardial ischemia has been documented in some patients
with coronary artery fistulas, who have no evidence of coronary
TABLE 39-3 Causes and Associations of Coronary Artery Fistulas
I. Congenital
1. Embryonic
2. Multiple; systemic hemangioma
II. Acquired
1. Closed-chest ablation of accessory pathway . Percutaneous
coronary balloon angioplasty
3. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
4. Right/left ventricular septal myectomy
5. Penetrating and nonpenetrating trauma
6. Acute myocardial infarction.
7Dilated cardiomyopathy
8. Mitral valve surgery'
9. "Sign" of mural thrombus
10. Tumor
11. Permanent pacemaker placement. Cardiac transplant
13. Endomyocardial biopsyK
14. Coronary artery bypass grafting
cavf-Fig.1a.jpg:LCA(Left Coronary Artery to RV(Right Ventricle)Fistula
cavf-Fig.1b.jpg:Different view of Fig.1a above.
cavf-Fig2.jpg:Coronary Fistula LM-PT:Diagram showing coronary
fistula connecting pulmonary trunk and left anterior descending(LAD)artery.It
originally was misdiagonsed as an anomalous coronary.LADD.diagonal
branch of LAF;LC,left circmflex;;Lm,left main:R,right.Waller.B.F.,The
Heart,Hurst's,10th Edition,Page 1174
cavf-Fig.3 cavf.jpeg: Coronary Arteriovenous Fistula on Coronary
A large coronary arteriovenous fistula can be seen originating
in the left coronary artery, coursing over the lateral and posterior
walls of the left ventricle, and eventually emptying into the
right atrium. The solid arrow indicates the origin of the fistula
(not well visualized), and the open arrow indicates a normal-sized
left anterior descending coronary artery, which is of much smaller
caliber than the greatly dilated fistula. Patients with such
fistulas often have loud continuous cardiac murmurs and may
have congestive heart failure, myocardial ischemia (due to a
coronary-artery "steal" phenomenon), and pulmonary
hypertension. Coronary arteriovenous fistulas typically arise
as congenital anomalies. With obliteration of the fistula by
suturing, the prognosis is usually excellent.