Figure 46c
Four types of calcific aortic stenosis.
In each, the unopened aortic valve is viewed form above.
A. Acquired bicuspid aortic valve with secondary calcification. At the
center of the conjoined cusp (lower center) are elements of two preexisting
cusps, now fused.
B. Congenital bicuspid valve. The characteristic raphe of the congenital
bicuspid aortic valve appears at the lower portion of the figure.
C. Senile type. None of the commissures is fused, but there is a major
intrinsic calcification of the three cusps.
D. Unicuspid, unicommissural congenital aortic stenosis with secondary
JE Edwards: Pathology of acquired valvular disease
of the heart. Semin Roentgenol 14:96, 1979.