Usual Daily Dose

Precautions and Special Considerations
Side Effects
Thiazides and related sulfonamide diuretics
Bendroflumethiazide (Naturetin) 2.5-5 May be ineffective in renal failure except for indapamide and metolazone; hypokalemia increases digitalis toxicity; an increase in blood levels of lithium. Decrease in urinary calcium excretion. May precipitate acute gout. Hypokalemia,hypomagnesemia, hyperuricemia, glucose intolerance, insulin may cause resistance, hypercholesterolemia, increased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercalcemia, sexual dysfunction, weakness, photosensitivity {except for ethacrynic acid), leukopenia, allergic skin rash.
Benzthiazide (Exna) 12.5-50
Chlorothiazide (Diuril) 125-500**
Chlorthalidone (Hygroton) 12.5-50
(HydroDiuril, Esidrix)
{Saluron, Diucardin)
Indapamide {Lozol) 2.5-5
Methylchlothiazide {Enduron) 2.5-5
Metolazone {Zaroxolyn) 2.5-5
Metolazone {Mykrox) 0.5-1
Poly thiazide {Renese) 1-4
Quinethazone {Hydromox) 25-100
Trichlormethiazide 1-4
Loop diuretics***
Bumetanide {Bumex) 0.5-5** Effective in chronic renal failure. Increase urinary calcium excretion. As above, except for hypercalcemia.
Ethacrynic acid {Edecrin) 25-100**  
Furosemide {Lasix) 20-320**    
Potassium-sparing agents
Amiloride {Midamor) 5-10 Danger of hyperkalemia in patients receiving a potassium supplement, a potassium-containing salt substitute or an ACE inhibitor, and in patients with renal failure; can cause renal failure in patients treated with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (indomethacin and triamterene). May increase blood levels of lithium. Spironolactone interferes with digoxin immunoassay. Danger of renal calculi {triamterene). Hyperkalemia for all three agents. For spironolactone only: gynecomastia, mastodynia, gastrointestinal irritation, drowsiness, lethargy, irregular menses or postmenopausal bleeding, hirsutism.
Spironolactone {Aldactone) 25-100**
Triamterene {Dyrenium) 50-150**
Combination Thiazide and Potassium-Sparing Diuretic Preparations
Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg +
triamterene 37.5 mg
(Maxzide 25)
1/2-2 Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg+
triamterene 75 mg
Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg +
triamterene 50 mg (Dyazide)
1-2 Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg +
amiloride 5 mg {Moduretic)
Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg +
spironolactone 25 mg
(Aldactazide 25)
1-2 Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg +
spironolactone 50mg
{Aldactazide 50)
Special indications: Diuretics or beta blockers should be agents of choice for most patients with uncomplicated hypertension unless contraindicated, ineffective, unacceptable, or there are special indications for other agents {see text); especially indicated for black patients, elderly patients, obese patients, congestive heart failure, chronic renal failure (loop diuretics), resistant hypertension, recurrent renal calculi {calcium) {non-loop diuretics).
Contraindications: History of hypersensitivity to diuretics, hypovolemia, hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hypomagnesemia, uncontrolled gout, severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, asymmetric septal hypertrophy (idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis), preeclampsia, and eclampsia.
Advantages: Effective in reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, effective in ~50% of mild hypertensives, inexpensive, one dose daily, easy to titrate, well tolerated, enhance potency of all other agents, no pseudotolerance, reduce total peripheral resistance. Disadvantages: Metabolic side effects: {K+ -I., Mg2+ -I., urate i, Ca2+ i, Na+ -I., CI- -I., glucose i, 1ipids i).
*The dosage range may differ slightly from recommended dosage in Physicians' Desk Reference or package insert. Given once daily unless otherwise indicated.
**This drug is usually given in divided doses twice daily.
*** Larger doses of loop diuretics may be requi~edin patients with renal failure.